Global Drilling delivers a professional, reliable and quality driven drill and blast service, and therefore guarantees quality material to all our clients.

About Us

Global Drilling was established in 2014 and has had good relationships with long-term clients.
We deliver a professional, reliable and quality driven service, our aim is to ensure that this reputation is upheld and strengthened.

We have a variety of plant which can be established for any project, in any conditions in Zimbabwe and internationally.

Our Mission

  To consistently deliver results that exceed expectations.

Our Vision

  To offer a thoroughly honest service.

We’ll Achieve This By

Providing a safe work environment

Utilizing creative and inventive solutions that offer true benefit and value to the client

Maximizing plant availability through preventative maintenance and modernization of our plant and equipment.

Providing operations with administrative and technical support

Placing competent and experienced staff throughout the company

Operating by means of proven practical and functional procedures

Continually operating with due consideration to the surrounding environment

We are compliant all Govt recomendations



Currently Global Drilling consists of 50 staff members which include managers, opencast and civil blasters. The teams are led by a management team which has accumulatively over 65 years experience in the drilling and blasting industry.

Global Drilling believes that its people are the backbone of its business, and its skilled workforce enhances product quality and services delivery.

Our Services

We provide a drill and blast service to the quarrying, open cast mining and construction industry. We also offer load, haul, crush and screen services.

Services Rendered To


Opencast Mines

Construction Industry

Where required and if it is economically viable, we are certified to use advanced blasting technology. This technology is more accurate , safer and consistently generates superior results.

Priority is always placed on safety and best practices are always implemented. We expect our employees to be responsible and accountable for their actions, therefore commitment to the relevant safety act is incorporated into each individuals contract.


Global Drilling, in providing drilling and blasting services, will ensure the preservation of the health and safety of all persons affiliated to its activities, as well as the health and safety of any visitor.

All work is to be performed under the direction and supervision of knowledgeable, suitably qualified staff, who are appointed in writing and who will accept responsibility for the safe execution of the task at hand.

Management, employees and visitors at Global Drilling will, as a minimum, comply with all applicable health & safety legislation, as well as the Health & Safety Management Programme.

All employees have the right to work in a safe and healthy environment.  Management understands that they have a duty of care to all persons affected by their activities, and therefore will protect, preserve and promote health and safety in the workplace, and foster a safety awareness attitude amongst its staff.  Health and safety will take precedence over all other activities.

All potential work hazards will be identified, documented, managed and communicated. Equipment, machinery and installations will be inspected and maintained for compliance to applicable standards. Only correct equipment, machinery, apparatus and installations aimed at risk minimisation will be used at all times.

Global Drilling delivers a professional, reliable and quality driven drill and blast service, and therefore guarantees quality material to all our clients.

Our Strategy


Global Drilling prides itself in being able to assess each project based on its specific requirements, and then providing the most effective and efficient solutions. Our clients and projects mean more to us than just delivering solutions, it’s about building relationships that are based on trust, reliability and integrity. These types of relationships undoubtedly add to the success of any project.

Plant and Equipment

Our equipment forms a vital part of our business, and with that we believe that by maintaining our equipment we are investing in the success and longevity of our business. We are continually growing and modernizing our plant and equipment fleet, thereby ensuring optimal reliability.


Our suppliers play an integral part in the successful operation of our business. It is imperative that we have well established and mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers. Our current suppliers provide quality products and exceptional service, which in turn enable us to offer a superior service to our clients.

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